Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Internal Communications: Lax No More!

When the seas get choppy in a company or communications department, one of the first things to go overboard is usually internal communications. It’s seen as a “nice to do” compared to the million other communication necessities.

But for companies big and small, employee frustrations may start to rise as the intranet goes woefully in need of updating, or they get company news from CNN instead of their CEO. Maybe they’re bombarded with so many emails every day with company news, they get deleted instantly. While some of the information being shared may not seem like a top priority (ice cream social, anyone?), each is an opportunity to gain employee loyalty and increase their understanding of company values.

Whether your company’s style is face-to-face meetings, an intranet, or regular email newsletters, employees appreciate a cohesive approach to internal communications. It reminds them that their work is part of a greater whole of the company and enables them to be better-informed ambassadors for your brand.

If any of these issues sound familiar, know that an internal communication plan need not be complex or elaborate to be felt throughout the company. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss internal communications at your company.

-- Alicia

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