Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Social Impact

At Lilja Inc. we value “classic” communications tools and strategies, but that doesn’t mean we shun social media tools. The decision to use Facebook, Twitter or a blog in any campaign comes down to a simple question: will it get your message to the target audiences?

For Lilja Inc. client Educational Kits, Inc., Twitter did that and more.

Jill Berlin, a former educator and president of Educational Kits, Inc. is the creator of the Bee Ready Kindergarten Readiness Kit, which provides simple activities for parents to do with their children that lead to complex cognitive development, ultimately preparing them for kindergarten.

When we began working with Educational Kits, Inc., the company had an existing presence on the web, including a blog and Facebook page. As we got to know Jill, it became clear that her unique point of view on early childhood education was worthy of additional attention. We further developed her blog and launched a Twitter page to help push content to consumers and opinion leaders in education.

Just recently, the Bee Ready Kit was selected for the Pre-Emmy Awards Baby and Kids Suite, which showcases the newest and hottest in maternity, baby, and toddler products to Hollywood actors and actresses, with proceeds to benefit underprivileged children. Where did this opportunity come from?

The suite organizers found Educational Kits, Inc. through Twitter.

Now as we roll out our media campaign, we will continue to leverage the power of our social media strategy.

-- Alex

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